About Lisa

About Lisa

Lisa is passionate about sharing the classical Pilates method with others and has chosen Gratz Pilates equipment for its authenticity to Joe’s (Joseph Pilates) original design and how his method is translated through the apparatus into the body helping attain a deeper understanding of Pilates.

Lisa completed a contemporary Pilates education with Body Control Pilates (in 2005) and followed this with a 900-hour classical comprehensive training and apprenticeship in London during 2015/2016.

Lisa says “I feel that this extensive training has given me the strongest foundation and practical experience to support every body in their Pilates proficiency in an equipped studio setting”.

Professional Association Member Pilates Method Alliance

REP’s Level 4 Registered

Backcare Registered Practitioner & Back4good Registered

"Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things"
Joseph Pilates